One on One Coaching
This is for premium one on one teen coaching session which will catapult your teen forward, help them get unstuck and work towards their goals that will make them happier, more fulfilled and truly living their best life on their terms.
$75 per hour - Cash, Check, Venmo or PayPal
Call us or send us an email

I have always been intrigued with the teen years because they are so complex. I am very passionate about helping young women awaken to their inner strength, peace and voice. Teens need more support and from many types of people. Sometimes, it's hard to balance studies, sports, extra-curricular activities, friendships and other expectations thrown at you. We can work together to make the most of your busy life while maintaining a healthy balance. You might be having feelings of loneliness and isolation. My objective is to help you work through all your challenging circumstances and teach you positive habits to become a better version of yourself while being a champion supporter for you to achieve great new levels of self-worth, direction and confidence.
Coaching with Margaret is an incredible life changing journey if you really want to change. It takes work. You have to be willing. You will change by taking lots of small steps and habits that are created solely for you.
Let's get started today and change your life.